Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Dia:Beacon was really interesting because of its location and the size of the pieces that were inside. There were pieces I had learned about previously and there were pieces I have never seen before. The size of the pieces were really key to many of the pieces and the amount of light that lit up the rooms was incredible.

Book Project

Final product of Book Project

The concept was to show different kinds of love, child's love, happy love, loneliness from love, a man's love, a woman's love. This book showed that there was no specifics for who was speaking about love.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Book Project

Seasons of Love
You are as the sun,
You brighten and warm me,
And the rain
For you wash away my fears,
And like hail
When you come down hard upon me
and hurt me
But only because my love for you is so intense.

You are as the snow also
For your love settles on me
so gently.

But what of the clouds?
You take this form also
For you mist my mind
And I am enclosed in your ideals.

By Marguite Darken

The book will show all different representations of the seasons that the poem mentions. I will use a dark black figured shadow as well. The pictures will each have a couple of layers of things like rain and snow.

Project #2

For my second project I plan on taking a picture of myself and making it into a puzzle. I will print out a large picture of myself and cut the picture into puzzle pieces. The pieces will be backed with cardboard or foam board. I will also make a box for the puzzle pieces.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Project #1 Illustrator

My final project finished in Illustrator

Friday, March 6, 2009


Cui Xiuwen is a very interesting artist because she uses herself in each picture and sometimes uses multiple shots. She is the main focus of the picture but she uses other elements to connect herself to the backgrounds she uses. She uses blue, red, and white as the main colors that connect her pieces. Typically she uses perfect bright blue skies as a piece of her background.

Unlike Xiuwen, Cindy Sherman uses very dark pictures that are typically based off of something a viewer may recognize. Sherman dresses up to become a person in a portrait or someone that looks like they are right out of a horror film. Her pictures seem sad, gloomy, and sometimes a bit scary.

Frida Khalo was a different artist all together, much different from the other two women. She painted herself to look ornate and beautiful. Frida used a variety of colors that make her portraits fun and visually appealing.